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Sriracha Salted Snapper and Shrimp Ceviche Samplers

Yield: 10 Sample servings
Time Estimate: 3 hours (1 hour 30 minutes inactive)
Storage Notes: Best if consumed immediately, can be refrigerated up to 3 days
Difficulty: Medium

Seafood, spicy, and citrus find one another in this complexity of flavors that leaves the palette feeling confused by the intensely refreshing heat. Fresh jalapenos and Gustus Vitae Sriracha Sea Salt combine with the citrus infused Snapper and Shrimp to bring this ceviche to a perfect balance. This simple concoction is sure to be a favorite of any seafood lover and is perfect bite size appetizer at the next dinner party. Keep portions and serve over a bed of fresh corn tortilla chips to make ceviche nachos.  



  • 5 Ounces Snapper
  • 5 Ounces Baby Shrimp
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1/2 White Onion
  • 1 Bunch Cilantro
  • 3 Limes
  • 2 Cup fresh lemon juice
  • Gustus Vitae Sriracha Sea Salt
  • 2 Jalapenos


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Rinse and dry snapper and shrimp. Cut snapper into bite size pieces
  3. Place in baking tray, pour lemon juice on top, season with Sriracha Sea Salt and bake for 20 minutes. Remove and chill over ice, preserving lemon juices in storage.
  4. Finely chop cucumber into cubes and set aside
  5. Finely chop tomato and jalapenos and set aside
  6. Finely process onion and cilantro in food processor
  7. Chill all ingredients
  8. Remove ingredients and assemble in small cups (cucumber, tomato/jalapeno, Snapper/Shrimp, and cilantro/onion mixture. Garnish with fresh lime slices.
  9. Enjoy!