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  • Spicy Sriracha Movie Popcorn Recipe

    Yield: 1 to 3 portions; Time Estimate: 5 minutes overall, including 1 minute of preparation; Storage Notes: serve immediately; Difficulty: easy;We love it when easy-to-make collides with delicious-to-eat at full speed. Sriracha sauce has become a staple at our house, but lamentably up until we made our Siriacha Sea Salt we’ve been unable to enjoy its flavor on many of our favorite foods [...]
  • Keftede Bites With Advocado & Cherry Tomatoes

    Yield: 3 servings that will disappear quickly; Time Estimate: 15 minutes overall, including 8 minutes of preparation; Storage Notes: serve immediately or make the day of your dinner party - these are just a good chilled; Difficulty: easy;"Keftede" is Greek for meatball and these little guys bring together classic Mediterranean flavors alongside the more modern accent of avocado. [...]