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Caramel Flan | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

Flan is a sometimes treat - not that common to see on the menu, but when we do, we always order it. It's surprisingly not that hard to make at home, and baking it in individual pie dishes both reduces your risk of over or undercooking, plus who doesn't want a whole flan to themselves!?

  • Yield: 3 individual flans
  • Time: About 1.5 hours attended + and overnight in the fridge
  • Storage Notes: Will keep for 4 days covered in the fridge
  • Difficulty: Medium


  • Preheat oven to 325F.
  • Make the caramel first: in a medium saucepan, add 1/2 cup plain cane sugar and a full tin of Caramel Creme Brulee Cane Sugar along with 4Tbs of distilled water. 
  • Cover with its lid, and bring up to medium-high heat, shaking the pan occasionally, until the sugar has melted and dissolved - around 3-4 minutes.
  • Remove lid, and cook a further 3 minutes, shaking every minute or so.
  • Carefully pour caramel sauce into the 3 dishes, then swirl them to evenly coat, and reserve.
  • Return pot to heat, add another half cup of plain sugar and an entire tin of Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cane Sugar, along with 3Tbs distilled water. Repeat steps as above.
  • The next step requires either an immersion blender or regular blender - we find the latter easier to manage.
  • Pour syrup, cream, and milk into your blender, and start on low.
  • With the blender running, add in Probiotic Ocean Salt and 3 whole eggs and 3 egg yolks - you won't need those whites for this recipe.
  • Arrange pie dishes in an oven tray, and fill the tray with water to around half-way up the sides of the dishes. Pour in custard, and pop in the oven for between 45-55 minutes.
  • Remove from oven, allow to cool on the counter for half an hour, then cover with saran and pop in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
  • When you're ready to serve, put a flat plate on the 'top', and carefully, but quickly, flip over. It may take a tap or two, but your flan and lovely caramel sauce will come out.
  • Serve immediately, and devour.