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Easy Apple Tart | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

We love making this apple tart - a simple crust that doesn't need to be rolled or blind baked, a flexible ingredient list you can count on one hand, and a beautiful presentation to boot. Just be careful with the mandolin - no matter how many times we tell ourselves that this time will be different, at least one time out of two we manage to slice ourselves.

  • Yield: 1 Pie.
  • Time: 1 hour 10, including 50 minutes unattended.
  • Storage Notes: Will keep for 2 days, covered.
  • Difficulty: Medium - mandolins will cut you just looking at 'em.


  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • In a large bowl, juice the lemons and whisk together with the Vanilla Bean Cane Sugar and Pumpkin Spice Cane Sugar.
  • Rinse apples.
  • Slice tops and bottoms off apples so that they are a uniform height.
  • Using a mandolin, begin carefully slicing apples, discarding pieces that are too large or two small. Add them to the lemon & sugar mix as you do - this will keep them from discoloring. Gently toss every now and then as you work through the apples.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, California Sea Salt, and Gingerbread Cane Sugar. Microwave butter for around 1 minute, then pour over flour and sugar, mixing well to combine.
  • The dough will be somewhat loose and won't hold together particularly well - this is fine.
  • Grease a springform pan with reserved vegetable oil, and begin laying down dough, pressing down with your hands to create an even, smooth surface with around a 3/4ths inch rim around the sides.
  • Begin arranging the apple filling - add slices, one at time, slightly overlapping the preceding slice, working from the outside in. 
  • Finish the center with a small square slice, and give the whole pie a final dusting with Pumpkin Spice Cane Sugar and pop in the oven, uncovered, for 50 minutes.
  • Remove, and allow to cool, uncovered, for at least 2 hours.
  • Zest a bit of lemon on the top, serve with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream, and devour.