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PB&J Sandwich Cookies | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

  • Yield: Around a dozen big sandwich cookies.
  • Time Estimate: A little over an hour.
  • Storage Notes: Can be kept in a cookie tin or similar for up to 5 days.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

You're never too old for a PB&J, and this recipe is our little homage to the sandwich that powered us though grade school. Good PB, some fancy jam, and our signature Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cane Sugar elevate this to quite the grown up treat, albeit one that'll leave you with a bit of jelly on your chin.


For The Cookies

For The PB&J Filling


  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and California Sea Salt, and reserve.
  • In a stand mixer, or large bowl with a hand mixer, cream butter and Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cane Sugar until smooth, then add in eggs, one at a time.
  • Gradually add in flour mix, a bit a time, and process until everything is combined, then fold in peanut butter.
  • Lightly grease 2 baking pans, or cover with wax paper, and using an ice cream scooper, scoop out roughly even chunks of cookie dough, rolling into 20-25 balls. Arrange on trays with at least 2" distance between them, then gently press down with a spoon to flatten slightly.
  • Rough chop peanuts, and sprinkle over cookies.
  • Pop in the oven for 5 minutes, then rotate, and cook a further 5-7 minutes, or until edges just begin to brown. Remove, and allow to cool fully.
  • While your cookies are baking, whip up the PB filling.
  • In a stand mixer or with a hand mixer, cream peanut butter and butter, before adding Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cane Sugar and California Sea Salt. Chill mix in the fridge for 10 minutes or so to firm up.
  • Flip cookies upside down, and schmear half with PB mix, the other half with jelly. Gently join the cookies, and allow a minute or two to set.
  • Serve with a big glass of cold milk, plenty of napkins, and devour.