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Shrimp & Bacon Canapés | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

  • Yield: Makes about 20 canapés.
  • Time Estimate: 1 Hour, including 15 minutes unattended.
  • Storage Notes: Will keep for up to 2 days, covered and refrigerated.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

Finger foods are a staple around the Holidays, and even if the customary big gatherings aren't happening this year, they're still lovely to make and share with your home team. These little shrimp and bacon numbers bring a little Caribbean heat & flavor to the snowy season, and are lovely served warm or at room temperature when prepared in advance.


    • Pat shrimp mostly dry, chop into roughly 1/3"-1/2" pieces, toss in a mixing bowl with 2 Tbs Caribbean Coconut Seasoning, and reserve in the fridge to marinate.
    • Preheat oven to 350F, and remove puff pasty from freezer and cream cheese from fridge to begin warming up.
    • Line a baking tray with foil, and arrange bacon in strips, before generously sprinkling with Everything But The Avocado Toast.
    • Pop in the oven for 15 minutes, flip, and cook a further 10-15, or until well crisped but not burned. Allow to cool and drain on a cooling rack, before crumbling into a bowl and reserving.
    • Increase oven temperature to 400F.
    • Mince parsley, and add to a mixing bowl with cream cheese, Extra Fancy Veggie Seasoning, and Crushed Red Pepper Flakes, folding everything together until well combined. Reserve.
    • Roll out the first pastry sheet on a floured surface, divide into 3 sections, and roll out each one, until width approximately doubles and length increases by a third.
    • Cut into triangles approximately 4", stacking them as you do, then repeat steps with the second pastry sheet, and reserve.
    • Bring a wok up to high heat, add cooking oil or spray, and cook shrimp 3-4 minutes, tossing constantly, before removing to a bowl.
    • Fill a small bowl with water, and begin assembling the canapés.
    • In the center of a triangle of pastry, place a 2/3rd Tsp sized dollop of the cream cheese mixture, before topping with shrimp and bacon.
    • Dampen your fingertips, and pat a bit of water on each point in the triangle.
    • Fold in the two "bottom" sides of the triangle to just cover the shrimp & bacon: it'll look a bit like an open envelope.
    • Fold the final "top" bit of the pastry down, and seal. Repeat for all remaining triangles.
    • Whisk an egg in a small bowl, the brush onto the top of the canapés, before sprinkling over the remainder of the Caribbean Coconut Seasoning.
    • Pop in the oven, and cook for 15 minutes.
    • Mince chives, and reserve.
    • Remove, and arrange canapés on a mini cutting board or a small appetizer platter, like this handsome ceramic one from Emile Henry, and sprinkle over chives.
    • These are delicious served warm, and in the unlikely event that they don't all disappear at once, are almost as good served later at room temperature: prefect for when guests arrive a bit later than expected or if you want to prep in advance. 
    If you'd like to get your hands on this handsome appetizer platter, use code GV20 for 20% off at https://www.emilehenryusa.com/