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S'mores Pie | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale / her infinite variety".

Shakespeare was talking about a lady, sure, but this holds true for s'mores too.

Not content with just the traditional method, or s'mores cookies, it gives us great pleasure to bring you: s'mores pie. Everything we love about s'mores, everything we love about pies - this dessert is the perfect way to end a summer BBQ with those you love.

  • Yield: 1 decadent pie
  • Time: 3 1/2 hours, including 3 hours unattended.
  • Storage Notes: There's not going to be anything left to store.
  • Difficulty: Easy.



    • Crumble cookies or graham crackers in a large bowl, add Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon Cane Sugar, melted butter, Probiotic Ocean Salt, and mix throughly to combine.
    • Press down evenly in a springform pan, going up around 1 1/2 inches around the sides, cover with saran wrap, and pop in the fridge.
    • In a double boiler, or just a small bowl in a pot partially submerged in water, melt chocolate.
    • In a large bowl, use a fork to mix together Gingerbread Cane Sugar and corn starch, and reserve.
    • In stand mixer, whisk together eggs and yolks. Gradually add the Gingerbread Cane Sugar and cornstarch mix, keeping it on medium high as you do so to avoid lumps.
    • In a large saucepan or medium pot, bring milk up to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium, and very, very slowly, pour and temper small amounts of the egg/sugar mixture, again whisking as fast as you can while you do so.
    • When the mixture returns to a simmer, pour in melted chocolate, and whisk again to combine. The mixture now should be quite thick.
    • Pour mixture into reserved pie crust, and return to the fridge, refrigerating for at least 3 hours, and up to overnight.
    • When you're ready to serve, slice marshmallows into thirds, width-wise. Arrange on top of pie, chopping up middle bits of the marshmallow as needed to fill in any gaps.
    • Broil for 1-2 minutes. Watch it like a hawk - this will go from a lovely toasty brown to burnt in a matter of seconds.
    • Remove, allow 5 minutes to cool, serve, and devour.